Welcome to the new Wild Horse Custom Knives Website! We made this site to streamline the process of finding and purchasing Wild Horse Custom knives as well as your favorite Case and Buck knives.
✔️To get started sign up for the Equestrian Club email list located in the sidebar. The fastest way to see new creations is to follow the customs page on the website, but we try to send notifications to the Equestrian Club when special products are released.
The Knives available on our website generally fall into 3 categories.
You can use our category listings and the sorting feature on each page (Sort by Highest price, Sort by lowest price, sort by most recent, etc) to better navigate the knives we have for sale. Custom knives are usually the most expensive, and stock knives with no engraving are usually the least expensive.
Customer Inquiries
This page was designed to take some of the burden off our staff so more custom knives can be made and listed for sale. An enormous amount of time has been dedicated to customer inquiries, so this page is meant to answer some obvious questions while also helping customers navigate the listings and features we do have available.
Usually the people that ask the most questions do not purchase, and the people that buy the most knives ever ask any questions. We will make as much information as possible available on the website, but we do not have time to authenticate your knives, answer general questions, etc. Since our time is limited, we prefer to spend it on paying customers and I hope everyone can understand this.
Some Things to Know
✔️We do not customize or engrave knives for the public. All Wild Horse Custom Knives are hand made by Joshua Kidd, a knife maker born in Kentucky and currently residing in the mountains of Tennessee. He has no contact with customers – he just creates the knives and our staff conducts listings, auctions and sales. He spends roughly 18 hours every day working on knives. He just doesn’t have time to personally answer the large amount of customers that contact us.
✔️Wild Horse Custom Knives gets an incredible amount of customer inquiries and questions regarding all sorts of topics. We do not have time to answer customer inquiries. Paying customers will get confirmation emails they can respond to, but we ask that customers keep correspondence to a minimum.
✔️Orders ship quickly, usually the next business day.
✔️We have always used multiple sales channels. These knives are often one of a kind and there are instances when they will sale simultaneously on the website and another channel. Although we do our best to keep everything updated there are times when we will have to refund your order. This will be rare. The best way to assure that you get the knife you want is to place your order as soon as possible.
✔️The Wild Horse Custom website will always be the cheapest source for Wild Horse Custom knives, Knives engraved by J.Kidd and new Case & Buck Patterns that we list on other channels.
✔️We no longer duplicate any Certificates of Authenticity. In the past we helped customers, at great expense to ourselves, but started seeing the certificates we issued appear with knives that were clearly not Wild Horse Custom knives. Ask sellers for the COA before purchasing on the 2nd hand market.
I will update this page when new features become available to help fans and customers interact with Wild Horse Custom Knives. We will routinely integrate features such as customer feedback, new content and upgraded shopping features to make sure customers will eventually get to see what they want even though we can’t take custom orders.
We apologize for not having the time to be more personable with customers and spend more time addressing questions. It is counterintuitive to the nature of everyone that works for or with us, but to be fair to everyone we must limit contact and services across the board.
Thank you for viewing Wild Horse Custom Knives!